sábado, 15 de março de 2025

Enigma III

Yesterday I found an interesting spot and light and waited for people to pass through the illuminated areas hoping that the right actors would appear. Among the various photos I took, I selected these 3 that suggest some mystery or story within the image. Which one is your favorite?

Enigma II

There is an ancient painted face that watches and spies. There is a woman in the foreground who walks by brandishing a smartphone as if it were a weapon while, in the background, an old man with a cane walk in the twilight of life. A story within the image and perhaps a metaphor about Life.


There is someone running away knowingly trying to hide from the eyes that spy on him through a face in the darkness.

quinta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2025

A Engrenagem / The Cog

Soul vs Machine. In a world where machines are becoming more intelligent and autonomous, what does it mean to be truly human?