terça-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2013

The red seeds

Perfect day - Valdi Sabev

I must say humbly that during all my life I forgot many times to look through the windows of my heart. Now I´m still learning to look for the Love hidden inside it. Everyday I´m recognizing more and more opportunities to open doors bringing it to Outside and Outside to Inside.
This first morning of 2013 was sunny and I was walking as usual at forest near my house and felt for the first time, after many years, that the avenue full of fallen leaves I was crossing could be my own Autumn avenue waiting for the wind to blow the leaves away. And contrasting with all the colors all around I found some red seeds glowing and seeming as if they have some light inside. I felt it like another signal telling me it was one heart´s door open. And Love flows. Compassion for all my brothers and sisters suffering (physical and psychological) at this very moment worldwide from severe and unimaginable diseases or wounds. No party time or laughs but time to send my “red seeds” to them telling they are loved inside my heart and that´s the time to have not fear of the Fear. There´s no frontiers for Love because we are one and what we feel are reaching all the others. Let´s send more and more “red seeds” to everyone and the Love´s tree will grow on mother Earth. 

5 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Gostei muito do texto, mas da foto também!
Fernando Alberto Dinis Paula

Anónimo disse...

Love the writing...
Teresa Morgado

Anónimo disse...

Dalila Garcia

Anónimo disse...

Love it...
Elsa Wellenkamp

Anónimo disse...

Beautiful text, so true!